Friday, March 18, 2011

Better Than Nothing

Ok, so it's been a month since I posted something. Bleh and shame on me. I just can't seem to find time to blog amongst my so many other responsibilities! Blogging, although a new interest of mine, has fallen to the bottom of my list of priorities. I am hoping that can change if I just include it into my daily routine. Wishful thinking?! I will stop whining now. So, last Saturday, I ran my first race, a 10K, since giving birth to Chunkin who is now 4 months old. I actually ran faster in that race than on the treadmill. What's the deal?! My finish time was 1:05:12.80 @ 10:31 pace. Go me! (I'm pumping my arms in the air.) When I was running on the treadmill, I would average about an 11 or 11:30 minute pace. I'm now convinced that I run slower on the treadmill than on the street. Since I restarted running in January of this year, I've done all of my running on the treadmill so that I can stay close to the girls in case my husband can't entertain or soothe them. This 10K was my first run on the pavement. I was definitely sore after the run. My runs have been light this week. Monday: 3.1 miles; Tuesday: Slim in 6 DVD; Wednesday: Rest Day; Thursday: 3.44 miles (had to stop this run because the sod man came); and Friday: 4.1 miles. I was hoping to get an 8-miler in tomorrow, but the husband plans to till the backyard from 6:30 AM to 1 PM so that we can prepare for sod to be plotted next week. Then, we have a birthday party to go too. We shall see. With 2 little ones, I have learned that I need to be flexible with my running days and length of miles I put in. Better than nothing, right?! What's your running schedule like? I usually run at 5 AM on MWF and Saturday.

P.S. I have a follower: Hi beccarig! BTW, I was already following your blog. :)